Monday, January 07, 2008

Perfect place, Wrong Companion

I was randomly looking at Romantic Dining places online and i came across this picture.

Yes. It's Equinox @ Swissotel.
Isn't it simply enchanting?
Just looking at the picture makes me feel so illusory.
No wonder it is voted the "Most Romantic Restaurant" in Asia.

As I'm posting this, I'm actually accompanied by lounge music being performed at the Upper Concourse Area (am at the Information Counter). So you would have to excuse me if i seem to be a bit mellow k. Hee.

Ok, back to what i was saying, isn't it enchanting!
Covoyed with a private lift for the restaurant, breathtaking view of the city skyline, bird-eyes view from the huge window, soft music and the ideal lighting.
imagine if you were dining here with the one you really love?
I'm sure the night would feel like one of the most perfect moments you've had together. And it might even lead to something better. hehe

But. (sorry to ruin the moment)

What if you were spending time here with someone you are forced to marry.
And loving him/her is close to impossible.
At the same time, you are thinking about another person you truly love and miss.
But you guys just can't be together.

Pretty sucky huh.
It's like a wasted moment don't you think?

Maybe you might think that I should not waste my time thinking too much about unnecessary issues. But you can't blame me. It can get kinda scary you know if u end up marrying someone u can never have feelings for. But worse would be marrying someone whom you think is nice and all and he ends up being a wife torturer.

All these thoughts & fears filled my mind when i was watching a documentary on "National Georgraphic Channel".
Before i begin, would like to state that i am just stating what i recalled about the documentary. Apologise if i missed out or misinterpreted anything ya.
Ok, here goes.
It's was shot in Country X about the life of a Muslim lady after she was matchmaked to marry one of her villageman.
You see, they have been married for a couple of years and even has a son.
But one day, the 'oh-so-dumb' husband decides to suspect his wife of adultery.
And it is not that he had any valid evidence.It was purely based on the rumors that he heard from other people.

Care to guess what he did to his poor innocent wife? (She has been proven to be innocent btw) Without even questioning her & giving her a chance to save herself,the cruel animal

1. Cut off her tongue
2. Chopped off her nose.
3. Snipped off her tongue.


4. GORGED OUT her eyes.


And this is not even the worst part yet.
He was not convicted for anything because he actually used religion to save himself. How Pathetic!

Apparently, in Country X, it is believed that when a man marries a lady, he has full authority over her and that he can do anything to her without any interference from the authorities. When questioned, he actually said that in Islam, if a husband feels, i repeat, FEELS that the wife has committed a crime, he is allowed to punish her in any way and she can't complain and, here's the best part.He says that this fact is stated in the Holy Book.

BULLSHIT!!!!! Coz it's NOT!

I am not an angel or anything but i am very sure that such a teaching does not exist. Yes, we are taught to be filial to our husbands but it is also stated that the man's duty as a husband is to provide and protect his wife. Not torture her!
If such a rule does exists, all the poor wives of all the psychos in the world would be dead and living a life of hell right now. I swear if i could, I would pay someone to do to torture the exact manner he did to his wife. That would teach him a lesson or two. Only reason i wouldn't resort to killing is coz I wouldn't want his kid to end up becoming an orphan.
He apparently treats his son well so ya.

Seriously, I don't believe that there are such evil people in this world. I mean, it's your own wife for crying out loud.
And thanks to him, his son is afraid to look at his wife's face ever since. If I'm not mistaken, she had to wrap up her face most of the time.
The poor dame.

Well, to cut the story short, the American reporters(i think )decided to help her and try change her life after knowing the sad and painful truth.

Wanna know wat they did?

They brought her to doctors and cosmetic surgeons and arranged for her to get a new pair of eyes, a new tongue and a new nose, all custom made.

So eventually the poor lady was able to show her face in public again without feeling ashamed.

Of course she did not look like how she used to and she couldn’t regain back her eyesight (the purpose of the artificial eyes were just to fill up the eye sockets) , but this was the first step to trying to lead a life, close to normal again. She was very touched by what had been done for her and she was ‘crying’. It was sad to see that though we were aware that she was crying, we could only hear her whimper and there was no tears.
But I was glad to hear how happy and grateful she was.

Gd for her! hehe

As for the loser husband, he is still does not have any feeling of remorse for what he has done and is just continuing to live his own life.

But justice has to be done don't u think! He can't be let scott free just like that.
It will become a practice for other men and women will end up living in fear.


Oh well, that should be all for now. In any case, once i get news, I'll update u guys yup.


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