Thursday, December 27, 2007

A question on Sincerity

* Do people think that help comes with a thought of expecting something in return?

* Does sincerity come with a price?

* Why does sometimes it seems as if the world IS a scary place and there will always be someone who wants to see you fall?

* These are the questions which seems to build up in her mind recently.

And a recent incident that occured added on to the rising questions she never use to ponder upon.

She was out with a friend and his family.
While they were at a handphone kiosk, the salesman accidentally dropped the handphone pouches he was holding on to. Upon realising, her friend immediately went over to help him pick it up.
That's nice, she thought.
Till he said " I thought that if i helped him pick it up he might give me something for free"

What a cheapskate?! she thought.

Her : "So not sincere ok?"

Him : "Ya what, nowadays when you help people it doesn't come for free you know? There's always a reason". And he looked at her with a cheeky sneer/smile.

Somehow, she felt insulted.

Her : "Not everyone thinks like that ok".

Him : "Ya, whatever..". Again with the exact smile plastered on his face.

You see, if it had been a stranger, she wouldn't have given two hoots about what he just said but the fact it, he has been recently asking for her help and as a friend, she did what she could. She seriously don't care about the part of helping him but more on what he just said. It seems like he thinks that she is going all out to helping him with an ulterior motive.
Now that's insulting.

Cause she doesn't know how people usually define it when they mention "to help" but in her context, it means to SINCERELY render assistance. Unless it's someone we particularly am not in favor of then it will be more of granted out of goodwill or perhaps they both get what they want, then it's ok. But still, to go all out and help a friend with u having an Ulterior Motive?

That's screwed up.

She's not saying she's an angel or a good samaritan who has a pure heart and everyone else is evil and stuff.
Just that the thought of friends helping with an ulterior motive kinda bugs her.
Of course he did nothing wrong to her but he gave her a reason to think. And feel afraid.

It starts to question friendship.

However, maybe she is just being a bit too sensitive and she can't safely assume that he thinks like that of her but seriously, even if he does, she doesn't care. Cause her purpose is to help and since it never crossed her mind to get anything out of him, why bother worrying.

And maybe, he is just being irritating,like how he always is, trying to test her.

Oh well, who cares.

Right now, she suddenly doesn't.

Cause there are phrasings which she always try to hold on to (though looking at how scary the world can be, she does need to firm up a bit)

Her philosophy/s : Live life to the fullest and not filling it with sadness or hatred and try to be sincere in whatever you do. Respect & do not ill-treat anyone cause what goes around, come around.


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